Eye contact is the most powerful connection you can have with another human being is when your eyes meet. It may seem scary to allow yourself to be vulnerable, but if you practice eye contact techniques, your love connections will explode. Eye contact tips: Here’s an...
Everything you need to understand what people aren’t saying Susan Constantine, a leading body language expert, a jury consultant, a Florida Supreme Court County Mediator, and President of Silent Messages, reveals and explains the visual tells that are found in faces,...
Research shows that kids lie, on average, four times an hour. Research also shows that 30% of kids under the age of 8 lie and it increases in age of up to 80% in their teen years. Kids lie for many different reasons, including shame, embarrassment, fear, protection,...
Five Proven Steps to Reading People If you want to be able to accurately read someone, you need to make the person feel comfortable with you first. When someone is comfortable with you, he or she will be more relaxed and open. The following step-by-step process gives...
Susan analyzes Miranda Kerr and Orlando’s body language the Globe. “Body language expert Susan Constantine analyzed the Globe’s photos of the star pair and also has concerns for their future. ‘Miranda;s the front runner, who is more...